bobbie beausoleil
Bobbie played Lucifer in Kenneth Anger's seminal film Scorpio Rising. Anger, a filmmaker of esoteric taste, introduced Bobby to the world of Devil worship. Flying on Owsley tabs of acid Beausoleil metamorphosed from the Lone Eagle to the Angel of Disobedience. "Kenneth brought it all to a head. He made me the star of Lucifer Rising, and I was rising, and he made me believe that I had this power inside me and it radiated out of me... Each acid trip became more and more an earth-shattering experience. I was experiencing Lucifer, 'the angel on earth.' I believed that during the rituals, Kenneth was showing me myself, that this reflection of who I was and what I was doing was because of who I was."
While in jail, Bobbie, covered with Nazi tattoos, became part of the Aryan Brotherhood. "The men and women of this family, my brothers and sisters, have followed me through the killings, to the jails, the courts, to prison, and to Death Row for the love they have for me..." |